VETTER Solutions Department

... and VETTER provides the tool: THE FORK*****!

How will logistic requirements change over the next few years?
How intelligent can a fork be?
How can safety and efficiency be significantly increased when transporting goods?

And above all: Which applications do you consider to be the burning issues that could be solved using intelligent forks?

Answering these questions effectively and making forks fit for the future – that is the main focus of the VETTER Solutions Department. The challenges you set us are converted into innovative products in a flexible and target-oriented manner by an interdisciplinary team made up of mechanical and electrical engineers, sales and service staff. Whether series production or special solutions, in-house or customer-specific designs, the focus is always on your application, your safety and your cost savings.

The work performed by the VETTER Solutions Department is characterized by concentrated know-how, state-of-the-art soft- and hardware, wide-ranging testing options as well as close contact with the customers, to the market and to experts from a wide range of industries. 

And when will we have the pleasure of solving your problem?

The VETTER Solutions sales team will be happy to advise you and explain SmartFork® in detail at trade fairs and in-house exhibitions!


Every SmartFork® solution is specifically designed, calculated, and adapted to meet your requirements.


Our electrical engineers configure the control system of the SmartFork® to suit your needs.


Modern equipment such our own 3D printer ensure that innovations can be tested quickly under real-life conditions.


Your application - our solution

If you have a specific application, we will look for a the right SmartFork® application.

Do not hesitate to contact us.

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